88.7 KTRM-FM
- Student Contact: Madison Backes
- Student Email: mjb7216@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Dr. Price
- Advisor Email: dcprice@truman.edu
- Website: tmn.truman.edu
- Organization Description: 88.7 KTRM is Trumanâ? Ts student-powered radio station. Students involved can participate in roles both on-air and behind the scenes.
Advertising and Public Relations Organization (Ad/PR Club)
- Student Contact: Stephanie Nau
- Student Email: sdn5678@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Don Krause
- Advisor Email: dkrause@truman.edu
- Website: http://adpr.truman.edu
- Organization Description: AD/PR Clubs mission is: to offer students real-life advertising and public relations experience through hands-on practice while providing clients with marketing services at a professional level. The club is a fun way to learn more about making connections and using effective communication. All majors are welcome!
African Students Association
- Student Contact: Khadija Mohammed Kalli
- Student Email: km3825@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: John Quinn, Sana Camara
- Advisor Email: jquinn@truman.edu; scamara@truman.edu
- Website: Africa.truman.edu
- Organization Description: The African Students Association (ASA), is a cultural organization aiming to promote diversity & inclusion, and appreciation of the African community of TSU, as well as create awareness, destigmatize misconceptions, and allow the Truman community to experience the incredible diversity that the African continent has to offer. We do this by hosting events on campus that display African cultures, customs, food, humor, fashion, and many more. And we are open to all.
Allies Connecting Everyone in Society (ACES)
- Student Contact: Emma Whittenburg
- Student Email: ecw8883@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Amanda Starks
- Advisor Email: astarks@truman.edu
- Organization Description: ACES meets every other Monday to advocate for disabilities awareness! We bring in speakers, volunteer with special olympics practices as well as community events, and educate the Truman community about ways we can improve as a society. In the spring, we plan the regional northeast Missouri Special Olympics track meet.
Alpha Gamma Delta (AGD)
- Student Contact: Courtney Mendenhall
- Student Email: gy35412@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Michelle Howell
- Advisor Email: mhowell@truman.edu
- Website: http://truman.alphagammadelta.org
- Organization Description: Alpha Gamma Delta is an international women's organization committed to providing opportunities for personal development, service to others and the space for members to forge their own pathsâ?"all through a lifelong spirit of sisterhood. Our philanthropic focus is fighting hunger and we support Feeding America and Meals on Wheels through the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation.
Alpha Kappa Lambda (AKL)
- Student Contact: Noah Higgins
- Student Email: nch3348@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Joel Brumfield
- Advisor Email: JBrumfield@truman.edu
- Website: akl.org
- Organization Description: A brotherhood of closely knit young men built upon the ideals of leadership, scholarship, loyalty, self-support and Judeo-Christian principles.
Alpha Phi Omega (APO)
- Student Contact: Sofia Sanguinett
- Student Email: apo.president.epsilon@gmail.com
- Advisor Contact: Lydia Yoder
- Advisor Email: lyoder@truman.edu
- Website: apoepsilon.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Alpha Phi Omega is a national co-ed service fraternity focusing on leadership, friendship, and service.
Alpha Psi Omega
- Student Contact: Kayla Cotter
- Student Email: kcc8448@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Randy Bame
- Advisor Email: rbame@truman.edu
- Organization Description: The Upsilon Zeta Cast of Alpha Psi Omega seeks to honor students for exemplary work in Truman theatrical productions. APO provides opportunities for professional development, extracurricular performances, and theatrical service.
Alpha Sigma Alpha
- Student Contact: Lucy Moloney
- Student Email: bk63116@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Katrina Schmerold
- Advisor Email: kschmerold@truman.edu
- Website: http://alphasigmaalpha.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Alpha Sigma Alpha is a national Panhellenic sorority designed to elevate the influence of women in the world. Its purpose is to cultivate friendship among members who are known for their character and concern for others through its values of balance, integrity, generosity, growth, enjoyment, relationships, learning, and responsibility. Alpha Sigma Alpha's national philanthropies include Special Olympics, Girls on the Run, and the ASA foundation.
Alpha Sigma Gamma
- Student Contact: Chloe Hughey
- Student Email: pu71146@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Brandy Schneider
- Advisor Email: bschneider@truman.edu
- Website: http://asg.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Alpha Sigma Gamma is a local, non-selective service sorority that is focused on developing leadership, promoting friendship, and providing service to humanity. ASG has been a part of Truman's campus since it was founded in 1971.
American Chemical Society
- Student Contact: Austin Humbrecht
- Student Email: or81755@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Tim Humphry
- Advisor Email: humphry@truman.edu
- Website: http://acs.truman.edu
- Organization Description: The American Chemical Society focuses on academic, professional, and social connections through speaker series, demos, picnics, and other fun activities. Students are able to connect with people who have a shared interest in chemistry and also de-stress from class!
American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
- Student Contact: Greycie Bardo
- Student Email: gmb6431@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Roberta Donahue
- Advisor Email: rdonahue@truman.edu
- Website: https://www.amsa.org/
- Organization Description: AMSA is a pre-med organization that provides guidance through all aspects of the pre-med journey. Our meetings involve the presentation of important pre-med information, programs with physicians, medical sc hools and others working in healthcare, and interactive activities to practice skills that will be useful in the future. We are also here to help you secure service and shadowing opportunities, and to provide you with tailored pre-med advice from upperclassmen who have been where you are.
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Student Contact: Ella Sowle
- Student Email: ees7311@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Andrew Kauffmann
- Advisor Email: akauffmann@truman.edu
- Website: asbmbtruman@googlegroups.com
- Organization Description: Provides a support network for those interested in biochemistry and molecular biology through guest speakers, outreach events, and activities.
American Statistical Association
- Student Contact: Severin Hussey
- Student Email: eb76843@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Shanshan Lv
- Advisor Email: slv@truman.edu
- Website: https://www.amstat.org/
- Organization Description: The purpose of our American Statistical Association student chapter is to provide students at the Truman State with opportunities to connect with other students interested in statistics and data science. We also want to encourage students to continue studying statistics and data science and provide provide networking opportunities in both industry and academia. There are no scholastic requirements, and students need not be statistics or data science majors - all students are welcomed and encouraged to get involved.
Anthropology Club
- Student Contact: Micaela Reiss
- Student Email: mrr2358@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Anton Daughters
- Advisor Email: adaughters@truman.edu
- Website: http://societyandenvironment.truman.edu/organizations/anthropologyclub/anthro_index.asp
- Organization Description: The Truman State University Anthropology Club addresses topics in all areas of anthropology: culture, linguistics, evolution, archaeology and more! Our goal is to bring together students with similar interests in anthropology, serve as outlet for anthropological discussion of research and current issues, connect with professional anthropologists, and serve as a resource for students in anthropology department. New perspectives are always welcome!
Art History Society
- Student Contact: Kalven Duncan
- Student Email: kdd6851@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Heidi A. Cook
- Advisor Email: hcook@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Club for students interested in Art History to expand and enhance their understanding of the subject.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Student Contact: Owen Murphy
- Student Email: otm2876@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Kafi Rahman
- Advisor Email: kafi@truman.edu
- Website: http://sand.truman.edu/acm/
- Organization Description: The Association for Computing Machinery is an Academic/Social organization for students of whom are interested in anything related to Computing Machines. Once a semester, ACM holds a Hackathon/Game Jam in that all members can participate! As well as that, ACM hosts events such as bonfires with professors within the department, and trivia nights, and other Academic events, such as GitHub workshops, and panels with Truman Alumni!
Association of Black Collegians (ABC)
- Student Contact: Olivia Armstrong
- Student Email: er35366@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Kerrion Dean
- Advisor Email: kdean@truman.edu
- Organization Description: This organization intends to foster unity, cultural awareness, academic achievement, and high self-esteem through its activities.
Badminton Club
- Student Contact: Jay Hwang
- Student Email: vp88844@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: David Rusk
- Advisor Email: drusk@truman.edu
- Organization Description: The Badminton club provides an opportunity to bring the Truman State University community together to enjoy the competition and comradery of badminton and to learn from one another.
Baptist Student Union (BSU)
- Student Contact: Mykaela Halleman
- Student Email: meh5432@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Donna Fude
- Advisor Email: dfude@truman.edu
- Website: bsu-truman.com
- Organization Description: The Baptist Student Union is for Christians and non-Christians alike who would like to have fellowship and Bible studies to learn more about what it means to serve others.
Beta Alpha Psi
- Student Contact: Hannah Hilsenbeck
- Student Email: gw51171@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Trevor Shonhiwa
- Advisor Email: tshonhiwa@truman.edu
- Website: http://bap.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Beta Alpha Psi is the premier Accounting and Business fraternity at Truman State, aimed at helping members develop their professional skillset as well as giving them the opportunity to network with industry professionals.
Beta Beta Beta
- Student Contact: Anasofia Carrillo
- Student Email: ac1313@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Stephanie Maiden
- Advisor Email: smaiden@truman.edu
- Website: http://bbb.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) is an honor society for students, particularly undergraduates, dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. This society serves as a resource for its members during their time at Truman as well as an opportunity to participate in community service and social events.
Beta Gamma Sigma Academic Honor Society
- Advisor Contact: Michael Barnes
- Advisor Email: mbarnes@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Beta Gamma Sigma is the International Academic Honor Society for students of Business.
Beta Theta Pi
- Student Contact: Joshua Corbett
- Student Email: fi83244@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Omar Gasmann
- Advisor Email: ogasmann@truman.edu
- Website: http://truman.beta.org
- Organization Description: Beta Theta Pi is a social fraternity dedicated to developing men of principle for a principled life. The five core values of the fraternity are mutual assistance, intellectual growth, trust, responsible conduct, and integrity.
Blanton-Nason-Brewer Hall Council
- Student Contact: Cassandra Plummer
- Student Email: gz63428@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Maysun Craven
- Advisor Email: mcraven@truman.edu
- Organization Description: The BNB Hall Senate serves as the representative body for the residents of BNB Hall. We are part of the Residence Hall Association.
Blue Key
- Student Contact: Isaac Compton
- Student Email: vt71418@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: James D'Agostino
- Advisor Email: dagostino@truman.edu
- Website: http://bluekey.truman.edu/index.htm
- Organization Description: The John R. Kirk Chapter of the Blue Key Honor Society is a small organization composed of male upperclassmen of Truman State University who exemplify scholarship, leadership and service. We strive to better the lives of others through commitment to service in and around the University and Kirksville Community. We believe that life is best spent sharing time and helping others, reflected in the Blue Key motto, "Serving, I live.
Bowling Club
- Student Contact: Kurt Schommer
- Student Email: fi68226@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Stephanie Maiden
- Advisor Email: smaiden@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Bowling Club provides a friendly, non-competitive environment for students to improve their game and meet new people while having fun. Join us to bowl every other week at Leisure World. We welcome bowlers of all skills and experience.
Bulldog Counseling Student Association (BCSA)
- Student Contact: Kiera Fuller
- Student Email: klf6735@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Cameron Ortega
- Advisor Email: cortega@truman.edu
- Organization Description: The Bulldog Counseling Student Association (BCSA) is a dedicated network of aspiring counselors committed to learning, growth, and community support. Through various activities, workshops, and mentorship opportunities, BCSA cultivates an environment that nurtures professional development and personal well-being. This association empowers future counselors by providing resources and fostering connections essential for their success in the field of counseling.
Bulldog Student Investment Fund (BSIF)
- Student Contact: Micah Davis
- Student Email: mld1628@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Charles Boughton
- Advisor Email: boughton@truman.edu
- Website: http://bsif.truman.edu
- Organization Description: The Bulldog Student Investment Fund is a student-run investment fund within the School of Business. We manage $130,000 of the university's endowment funds, strategically investing in stocks and passive vehicles every semester. In addition to teaching our members about investing, we provide access to elite networking opportunities with Wall Street firms and exclusive trips to places like New York City and Chicago.
Bulldogs Battalion
Bulls Rugby (men)
- Student Contact: Ben Croat
- Student Email: xa38447@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Michael Rudy
- Advisor Email: rudym@truman.edu
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/trumanbullsrugby/
- Organization Description: Bulls rugby is a club sport for men that competes in games and tournaments against other colleges in the area.
Calisthenics and Gymnastics Club (CGC)
- Student Contact: Abi Merid
- Student Email: qo57324@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: John Palazzolo
- Advisor Email: jpalazz@truman.edu
- Organization Description: We are here to prompt movement for everyone no matter their athletic ability. Bringing a consistent and encouraging environment to pursue the sports of Calisthenics and Gymnastics. One of our purposes is to share and spread ideas of Calisthenics and Gymnastics in and around the community helping people learn and grow in these sports.
Campus Christian Fellowship (CCF)
- Student Contact: Robert Lee
- Student Email: Co54262@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Julie Komar
- Advisor Email: jkomar@truman.edu
- Website: http://ccftruman.org
- Organization Description: Campus Christian Fellowship is a non-denominational campus ministry comprising people from many different backgrounds. We host worship services and community events for students interested in exploring their faith. Our main goal is to cultivate a community that loves God with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength as well as loves others as themselves.
Cardinal Key
- Student Contact: Haisley Windsor
- Student Email: hmw3455@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Liz Jorn
- Advisor Email: ljorn@truman.edu
- Website: http://cardinalkey.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Cardinal Key is a National Honor Society devoted to serving our school, our community, and each other, as well as upholding our four virtues of faith, trust, fortitude, and wisdom. Our chapter at Truman State University is made up of up to 25 female identifying individuals each with a desire and commitment to service.
Catholic Newman Center
- Student Contact: Audrey Summers
- Student Email: lp51844@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Hayden Wilsey
- Advisor Email: hwilsey@truman.edu; Hwilsey@truman.edu
- Website: newmantruman.org
- Organization Description: Our mission, and our work here at Newman, is to support students to grow in faith, grow as persons, and grow as leaders in the Church. We desire to make the love of Christ, the message of the Gospel of Life, and the call to discipleship present and available to all students at Truman State University.
Chess Club
- Student Contact: Isaac Tune
- Student Email: idt7743@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Vayujeet Gokhale
- Advisor Email: gokhale@truman.edu
- Organization Description: We meet once a week to play chess against each other. We accept all skill levels and encourage everyone to try the game.
Chinese Language and Culture Association (CLCA)
- Student Contact: Paige Su
- Student Email: wx62372@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Zhijun Wen
- Advisor Email: zwen@truman.edu
- Website: https://www.instagram.com/ssas_truman/
- Organization Description: The Chinese Language and Culture Association (formerly SSAS, the Society for Sino-American Studies) strives to cultivate and spread a deeper understanding of the vibrant culture of China and to foster amicable relations and language exchange between speakers of English and Chinese. We host cultural events each semester and welcome all people interested in promoting Chinese culture.
Club for Italian Appreciation and Outreach (CIAO)
- Advisor Contact: Carlo Annelli
- Advisor Email: cannelli@truman.edu
- Website: ciao.truman.edu
- Organization Description: CIAO is an organization that promotes the education and awareness of the Italian and Italian-American culture with events and activities.
Club N
- Student Contact: Liza Musgrave
- Student Email: ed45557@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Jose Clemente Carreno Medina
- Advisor Email: jcarreno@truman.edu
- Website: http://spanishclub.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Club Ã' is a fun, casual club that celebrates and helps students learn more about the Spanish language and different Spanish-speaking cultures. Club Ã' is open to all Truman students and is a great place to practice Spanish, learn dances, eat food, grow as a leader, and share a community!
Club Tennis Team
- Student Contact: Kensleigh Griego
- Student Email: zg54125@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Patricia Hanson
- Advisor Email: thanson@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Club Tennis is an organization intended for Truman State tennis players of all skill levels. The purpose of the organization is to improve tennis skills, meet new people, and have fun! A select few players from the club (typically 5 men and 5 women) will travel and participate in 1 tournament a semester.
Co-Ed Wrestling Club
- Student Contact: Audrey Brown
- Student Email: Ul63861@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Vanessa Alexander
- Advisor Email: Valexander@truman.edu
- Website: Wrestlingtruman.weebly.com
- Organization Description: We are a co-ed folk style wrestling club for students of any skill level to come and train.
College Democrats
- Student Contact: Ben Croat
- Student Email: xa38447@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: John Quinn
- Advisor Email: jquinn@truman.edu
- Website: http://democrats.truman.edu
- Organization Description: College Democrats of Truman State University is an organization that supports and advances Democratic Party values on Truman State University's campus. Primarily we do this through getting together and talking about politics on campus and getting involved organizing for Democrat politicians and political issues.
College Republicans
- Student Contact: Nick Adams
- Student Email: nra6817@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Steven Smith
- Advisor Email: srsmith@truman.edu
- Website: republicans.truman.edu
- Organization Description: A political organization dedicated to promoting the views and ideals of the Republican Party on the campus of Truman State University.
Collegiate Farm Bureau
- Student Contact: Sophia Seibert
- Student Email: scs5314@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Michael Seipel
- Advisor Email: mseipel@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Collegiate Farm Bureau is a student organization that is devoted to agriculture policy and current events in the world of agriculture. Members can participate in events such as farm bureau legislative days in Jefferson City, farm bureau annual meeting, and or a legislative trip to Washington D.C. The chapter meets once a month for social activities such as hayrides, pizza parties, and pumpkin carving.
Community of College Entrepreneurs (CCE)
- Student Contact: Jared Sacquinte-Darrington
- Student Email: on27682@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Yung-hwal Park
- Advisor Email: yhpark@truman.edu
- Website: https://cce.truman.edu/
- Organization Description: CCE is a community of entrepreneurs from all majors. The organization unites these entrepreneurial students within Truman as well and connects them with outside resources such as other entrepreneurs, alumni, and various companies willing to help a student start-up. CCE was created as a way to educate students about entrepreneurship, provide resources for members to start their businesses/organizations, and create a growing community of like-minded innovators and leaders.
Cricket Club
- Student Contact: Thirtha Karmakar
- Student Email: xw46531@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Kafi Rahman
- Advisor Email: kafi@truman.edu
- Organization Description: The organization will primarily focus on having Cricket matches every week, and occasionally organizing a Cricket tournament. Coaching sessions regarding cricket will also be given every week. We look forward into bringing the sport of cricket to Truman.
Cultural and Societal Honor Society
- Student Contact: Micaela Reiss
- Student Email: mrr2358@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Amber Johnson
- Advisor Email: ajohnson@truman.edu
- Organization Description: The Cultural and Societal Honor Society is a departmental honor society that was created in the Spring of 2010 to benefit Sociology/Anthropology students at Truman State University. Our mission is to present hands on opportunities within the field, allow members to connect with other people in the major, and to serve as a place of support as well as a source of information and guidance for students within the department. The Society emphasizes the importance of knowledge and understanding of local, national, and international communities in order to learn more about ourselves and the world around us.
Delight Ministries
- Student Contact: Alyssa Gipe
- Student Email: dn12461@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Amanda Starks
- Advisor Email: astarks@truman.edu
- Website: https://www.delightministries.com
- Organization Description: Our heartbeat is to provide invitational, Christ-centered community that leads women to fall deeper in love with Jesus. We are a student-led, Spirit-led, and Scripture-based organization with a weekly Bible study. We are passionate about empowering college women in the name of Jesus to lead, disciple, and transform the culture of Truman's campus!
Delta Chi
- Student Contact: Devon Silhavy
- Student Email: jt66355@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Lance Ratcliff
- Advisor Email: lratcliff@truman.edu
- Website: http://www.deltachi.truman.edu
- Organization Description: The Truman State Chapter of the Delta Chi Fraternity strives to Promote Friendship, Develop Character, Advance Justice, and Assist in the Acquisition of a Sound Education. Numerous campus awards, including Chapter of the Year and Brotherhood of the Year, as well as awards from our national organization, including multiple President's Cups (the highest award that a Delta Chi chapter can receive), prove that our members strive for excellence in every way. Though we are incredibly proud of these achievements, our Chapter prides itself most on the friendships created in our tightly-knit Fraternity.
Delta Phi Epsilon
- Student Contact: Chloe Kroencke
- Student Email: cjk7712@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Michaela Elsbernd
- Advisor Email: melsbernd@truman.edu
- Website: http://www.dphie-truman.org/
- Organization Description: Delta Phi Epsilon is a National Panhellenic Sorority founded on the values of Justice, Sisterhood, and Love. Our motto is Esse Quam Videri, To Be Rather Than To Seem To Be, and we strive to uplift our members and help them to become their best, most authentic selves. We extend our membership to those who self-identify as a women and those who are non-binary.
Delta Sigma Pi
- Student Contact: Caroline Daccache
- Student Email: zu37718@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Scott Templeton
- Advisor Email: stempleton@truman.edu
- Website: http://truman.dsp.org
- Organization Description: Delta Sigma Pi is a co-ed professional fraternity founded in 1907. It's organized to foster the study of business, accounting, and economics in universities. Its core values are professionalism, community service, and brotherhood
Delta Sigma Theta
- Student Contact: Payton Petty
- Student Email: pmp6621@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Kerrion Dean
- Advisor Email: kdean@truman.edu
- Website: http://dstzetazeta.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that seeks to implement programs for the greater good of the community. These programs and acts of service are depicted through our sorority's national five programmatic thrust: economic development, educational development, international awareness and involvement, physical and mental health and political awareness and involvement.
Delta Zeta
- Student Contact: Kayla Schilly
- Student Email: uf41162@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Shari Foglesong
- Advisor Email: shari@truman.edu
- Website: www.deltazeta.org
- Organization Description: Delta Zeta is a social sorority founded on friendship, curiosity, generosity, community, empowerment, and belonging. Each year, Delta Zeta raises money for not only our national philanthropies, but also strives to work in our local community.
Detours Magazine
- Student Contact: Anna Mercer
- Student Email: alm2252@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Mark Smith
- Advisor Email: smithm@truman.edu
- Website: https://tmn.truman.edu/detours
- Organization Description: Detours Magazine is a travel magazine produced by the students of Truman State University in Kirksville, MO. First published in 1996, it features little-known treasures in the Midwest-particularly those in the states of Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri.
Elementary Education Club
- Student Contact: Emily Letchworth
- Student Email: if87772@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Jeanne Harding
- Advisor Email: jharding@truman.edu
- Organization Description: A group where Pre-Mae and MAE students in the elementary area can socialize, gain valuable experience, participate in service, and learn more about the MAE program and other happenings in education.
English Graduate Organization (EGO)
- Student Contact: David Giovagnoli
- Student Email: dgiovagnoli@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Jamie D'Agostino
- Advisor Email: dagostino@truman.edu
- Website: http://ego.truman.edu
- Organization Description: GEO is a social organization that seeks to bring literary-minded events to students of all majors, along with offering opportunities for social and professional development among colleagues.
Equestrian Team
- Student Contact: Meghan McCracken
- Student Email: qo28343@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Emily Costello
- Advisor Email: ecostello@truman.edu
- Website: http://equestrian.truman.edu
- Organization Description: The Truman State University Equestrian Team aims to offer students and faculty the opportunity to develop their riding abilities and to better the members' knowledge of horsemanship techniques. The Equestrian Team is affiliated with the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) which provides collegiate-level students interested in showing horses a place to compete. The Truman team consists of about 50 showing and non-showing members who ride English, Western, or both.
Eta Sigma Phi (Classics Club)
- Student Contact: Stefani Maricic
- Student Email: sm3148@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Amy Norgard
- Advisor Email: anorgard@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Classics Club is an organization formed to celebrate aspects of Ancient Greek and Roman culture, including languages, history, mythology, and more.
Film Club
- Student Contact: Mark Fisher
- Student Email: mrf2866@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Jocelyn Cullity
- Advisor Email: jcullity@truman.edu
- Organization Description: A club for students at Truman who are passionate about film and are interested in watching, discussing, and making movies. Come vote on a movie of the month, explore the process of filmmaking, and play film related games! Welcome to all levels of experience!
Franklin Street Singers
- Advisor Contact: Jacqueline Collett
- Advisor Email: jcollett@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Show Choir
Funds Allotment Council (FAC)
- Student Contact: Mason Wilson
- Student Email: dv67218@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Rebecca Conover
- Advisor Email: rconover@truman.edu
- Website: http://fac.truman.edu
- Organization Description: We allot funds given to us by the school to a variety of student organizations on campus.
German Club
- Advisor Contact: Ernst Hintz
- Advisor Email: ehintz@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Holds weekly meeting and hosts special events related to German culture during the year.
Google Developer Students Club (GDSC)
- Student Contact: Rahul Chaudhari
- Student Email: oe51384@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Ruthie Halma
- Advisor Email: rdare@truman.edu
- Website: https://developers.google.com/community/gdsc
- Organization Description: Provide students who are interested in computer science technologies an opportunity to come together and learn alongside fellow like-minded individuals to build projects. Furthermore, our goal is to introduce non-computer science students to technologies and applied skills which can benefit them in their post-graduate careers. We provide opportunities to connect with technical content/mentors / applied skills workshops and more. "Providing real-world skills students can use in internships/jobs.
Habesha Student Union
- Student Contact: Bemnet Araga
- Student Email: NB34265@TRUMAN.EDU
- Advisor Contact: Vanessa Alexander
- Advisor Email: valexander@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Habesha Students Union is an identity based organization set to represent the Ethio-Eritrean culture, provide strong academical support, and create engagement & connection within both the Habesha Students community and also the Truman community as a whole.
Hanami: Japanese Club
- Student Contact: Rin Ohtake
- Student Email: ro6358@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Shinya Uchida
- Advisor Email: suchida@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Club dedicated to celebrating and learning about Japanese language and culture. No prior experience with the Japanese language required!
High Street Dance Team
- Student Contact: Christine Chen
- Student Email: cwc2128@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Melody Jennings
- Advisor Email: jennings@truman.edu
- Website: http://highstreetdance.truman.edu
- Organization Description: The High Street Dance Team is a dance team at Truman State that performs various styles of dance at events on campus and in the Kirksville community.
Historical Society
- Student Contact: Bird McGuire
- Student Email: cs45754@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Kathryn Brammall
- Advisor Email: brammall@truman.edu
- Website: http://facebook.com/groups/17586694712/
- Organization Description: The Historical Society is the oldest club on Truman's campus and its activities are entirely member directed, including study sessions and guest speakers. Members do not need to be History majors or minors, so members can bring friends and invite anyone who enjoys learning about/discussing history.
Horror Club
- Student Contact: Jocelyn/Ezra Schaefer
- Student Email: ni32678@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Lindsey Dunnagan
- Advisor Email: ldunnagan@truman.edu
- Organization Description: The purpose of this club is to research and celebrate the supernatural, the spooky and the unknown, as well as show as that there is more to horror than just gore. This club would also strive to research spooky holidays from all cultures (respectfully) and shed light to the lesser known. It also serves as a way to unite those with similar interests and possibly form new friendships.
Illusion Danz Team
- Student Contact: Anna Million
- Student Email: vh83875@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Melody Jennings
- Advisor Email: jennings@truman.edu
- Website: http://nholmgren12.wixsite.com/tsuillusiondanz
- Organization Description: Illusion Danz is an upbeat hip-hop dance group. Auditions are required for entry, but everyone is always welcome to try out! We hope to be a fun and positive light through our dancing at Truman State!
Interfraternity Council (IFC)
- Student Contact: Doran Saunders
- Student Email: ye28413@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Laura Bates
- Advisor Email: lbates@truman.edu
- Website: http://ifc.truman.edu
- Organization Description: The Interfraternity Council at Truman State University coordinates with all 12 fraternities on campus to insure a positive, productive, safe, and worthwhile experience for all of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
Jewish Student Union
- Student Contact: Ella-Jane Miller
- Student Email: mc42233@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Josh Nudell
- Advisor Email: jnudell@truman.edu
- Website: http://hillel.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Jewish Student Union is an organization for Jewish Students at Truman and others interested in learning about Judaism.
JujiTSU Ultimate Frisbee
- Student Contact: Blake Anderson
- Student Email: bwa7846@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Scott Thatcher
- Advisor Email: thatcher@truman.edu
- Website: http://ultimate.truman.edu
- Organization Description: JujiTSU Ultimate Frisbee was founded in 1997 and continually exists to provide the students of Truman State University the opportunity to play ultimate Frisbee in a fun and competitive environment, with a welcoming attitude, regardless of experience or ability. JujiTSU Ultimate Frisbee provides its members the opportunity to travel as a team to tournaments to compete against other universities.
Kappa Alpha Psi
- Student Contact: Joseph Spaulding
- Student Email: ai46172@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Vanessa Alexander
- Advisor Email: valexander@truman.edu
- Website: https://www.kappaalphapsi1911.com/kapsi/s/
- Organization Description: To unite college men of culture, patriotism and honor in a bond of fraternity. To encourage honorable achievement in every field of human endeavor. To promote the spiritual, social, intellectual, and moral welfare of members.
Kappa Mu Epsilon
- Student Contact: Thomas Samuels
- Student Email: ths7886@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: David Garth
- Advisor Email: dgarth@truman.edu
- Website: http://kme.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Kappa Mu Epsilon is a coed Math honors fraternity that promotes both social and professional development within the mathematics and statistics departments
Kirksville KLIFE at Truman State
- Student Contact: Noah Washburn
- Student Email: nmw1148@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Shari Foglesong
- Advisor Email: shari@truman.edu
- Website: http://kirksville.klife.com
- Organization Description: KLIFE is a community-wide, interdenominational Christian ministry of discipleship and fellowship for youth and their families. Through a variety of activities (Klubs , small group Bible studies, mission trips, and monthly events), KLIFE kids grow in their faith and have lots of fun in the process. They learn that following Christ and discovering His plan for their life is the most exciting adventure of all and that they can count on friendship and support from leaders and peers who care. The heartbeat of KLIFE lies in the ability to build relationships with kids and bring the content of God's word to bear on those relationships.
Lambda Alpha Epsilon
- Student Contact: Emily Anderson
- Student Email: pp22183@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Elizabeth Wiles
- Advisor Email: ewiles@truman.edu
- Website: http://www.acjalae.org
- Organization Description: Lambda Alpha Epsilon is a Justice Systems organization that strives to provide educational and social opportunities for Justice Systems majors and minors.
Lambda Chi Alpha
- Student Contact: Colby Bizelli
- Student Email: ii21882@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Laura Bates
- Advisor Email: lbates@truman.edu
- Website: https://www.lambdachi.org/
- Organization Description: Lambda Chi Alpha is a social fraternity on campus. Lambda Chi Alpha strives to serve the Kirksville community and to build an unbreakable bond between their brothers. Their core values are Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Service & Stewardship, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. Lambda Chi Alpha is committed to helping its members be the best men they can be.
Lambda Pi Eta
- Student Contact: Alexandria Werner
- Student Email: alw3615@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Dr. Jay Self
- Advisor Email: selfjw@truman.edu
- Website: https://www.natcom.org/student-organizations/lambda-pi-eta
- Organization Description: Lambda Pi Eta is a communication honor fraternity of the NCA. Promotes scholarship, fellowship, and service.
Linguistics Club
- Student Contact: Kayleigh Wood
- Student Email: ksw7271@truman.edu
- Organization Description: This organization will serve as a place for people to come together and talk about various topics in the field of linguistics that are of general interest to the organization as a whole. The organization will also serve to foster a sense of community among the linguistics majors on campus since it is a relatively small department as well as students from other disciplines who are interested in linguistics.
Lutheran Student Fellowship
- Student Contact: Anna Buerck
- Student Email: hz56273@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Julia D. Edgar
- Advisor Email: jedgar@truman.edu
- Website: http://lsf.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Lutheran Student Fellowship provides opportunities for students to come together in community, Bible study, and service during their time at Truman. We have a house located behind Ryle Hall where we host our events and also do a lot with Faith Lutheran Church in Kirksville.
Mathematical Association of America (MAA)
- Student Contact: Carlos Byrd
- Student Email: cob4162@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Dr. Anthony Vazzana
- Advisor Email: tvazzana@truman.edu
- Website: http://maa.truman.edu
- Organization Description: The objectives of MAA are to stimulate interest in mathematics and to offer students of all backgrounds opportunities to learn more about topics in mathematics.
Mathematics and Science Secondary Education (MASSE)
- Student Contact: Thomas Samuels
- Student Email: ths7886@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Enrique M. Pareja
- Advisor Email: epareja@truman.edu
- Website: http://masse.truman.edu
- Organization Description: MASSE promotes interest in mathematics and science education, disseminates information regarding the preparation of teachers at Truman, and provides an opportunity for personal interaction for students planning to be secondary mathematics or science teachers. The members of MASSE are graduate students in the MAE program in mathematics or science and undergraduate students planning to enter the MAE program.
Missouri Hall Council
- Student Contact: Austin Humbrecht
- Student Email: or81755@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Katelin Mathis
- Advisor Email: kmathis@truman.edu
- Website: http://www.missouri.truman.edu/senate
- Organization Description: The Missouri Hall Senate serves as the representative body for the residents of Missouri Hall. We help make decisions on behalf of them.
Momentum Ministry
- Student Contact: Arreya Shaw
- Student Email: ams3562@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Melody Jennings
- Advisor Email: jennings@truman.edu
- Website: http://www.momentumkirksville.com
- Organization Description: Religious group seeking to support students, help them to grow in faith, build community and leadership.
National Association for Music Education - Collegiate (NAfME-C)
- Student Contact: Elizabeth Dean
- Student Email: gk51865@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Jocelyn Prendergast
- Advisor Email: jprend@truman.edu
- Website: http://nafme.org
- Organization Description: This organization is Truman's collegiate chapter of the professional organization for music educators. We meet bimonthly for professional development and attend music education conferences.
National Education Association (NEA)
- Student Contact: Sophia Zarrillo
- Student Email: eq13251@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Paul Yoder
- Advisor Email: pyoder@truman.edu
- Website: Instagram: @trumansnea
- Organization Description: Local affiliate of a national professional organization that advocates for public schools, public school students, and public school employees. Instagram: @trumansnea
National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
- Advisor Contact: Laura Bates
- Advisor Email: lbates@truman.edu
- Website: http://nphc.truman.edu
- Organization Description: A collaborative organization of African American, international Greek lettered fraternities and sororities. The organization promotes interaction through forums, meetings and other mediums for the exchange of information and engages in cooperative programming and initiatives.
National Residence Hall Honorary
- Student Contact: Jack Ratliff
- Student Email: jlr2323@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: David Boughton
- Advisor Email: dboughton@truman.edu
- Website: http://nrhh.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Representing the top 1% of on-campus leaders, the Bess Truman Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is a leadership-based honorary comprised of exemplary residential students who value recognition and service. As an honorary, NRHH provides a dynamic leadership experience by promoting recognition and service. Through this, the Chapter offers our members diverse avenues to grow and succeed in the residence halls and as engaged members in the Truman and Kirksville communities, and beyond.
NSSLHA at Truman State
- Student Contact: Meredith Hoerner
- Student Email: lx76554@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Julia Edgar
- Advisor Email: jedgar@truman.edu
- Website: http://coda.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Communication Disorders Association (CoDA) is a chapter of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA). In biweekly meetings, we have a variety of speakers come share about their experiences in the communication disorders field.
Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK)
- Student Contact: Kira Boegeman
- Student Email: knb3475@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Jason McDonald
- Advisor Email: jasonmcd@truman.edu
- Website: https://odk.org/
- Organization Description: ODK is the National Leadership Honor Society -- here at Truman, we are a select group of students who believe in fostering leadership skills among the local community and striving for a better future. As the most respected and effective leadership honor society, we strive for excellence in leadership and character development. We expect adherence to the highest standards of: Scholarship, Service, Integrity, Inclusivity, and Collaboration. We identify, honor, and develop leaders in collegiate and community life while encouraging collaboration among students, faculty, staff, and alumni to advance leadership.
Order of Omega
- Student Contact: Kate Chevalier
- Student Email: kjc7748@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Laura Bates
- Advisor Email: lbates@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Order of Omega is a leadership honor society for members of Greek organizations. Order of Omega recognizes juniors and seniors who have exemplified high standards in the areas of scholarship, leadership and involvement within their respective organization and within the Greek campus, and local community.
- Student Contact: Max Poyser
- Student Email: mep2833@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Heather Ervin
- Advisor Email: hervin@truman.edu
- Organization Description: oSTEM’s purpose is to increase diversity, inclusion, and retention among STEM majors by providing a safe environment for LGBTQ+ students and allies to network and socialize across STEM disciplines.
Pagans Connect
- Student Contact: Ashtin Hlavac
- Student Email: snh2336@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: William ashcraft
- Advisor Email: washcraf@truman.edu
- Website: https://sites.google.com/truman.edu/pagansconnecttsu/
- Organization Description: PagansConnect is a religious and spiritual organization dedicated to spreading awareness of and spreading information about Paganism. A major goal of PagansConnect is to build community for Pagans and create a space where they can share their practices and skills amongst each other.
Pershing Society
- Student Contact: Trenton Kiesling
- Student Email: tck1664@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Stacey Kaden
- Advisor Email: skaden@truman.edu
- Website: http://pershing.truman.edu
- Organization Description: The Pershing Scholars is a group consisting of students awarded the Pershing scholarship through Truman State. Our goal as an organization is to be leaders on campus through active involvement in social, service, and leadership activities around the community.
Phi Alpha Delta
- Student Contact: Alexis Peterson
- Student Email: cj41826@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Philip McIntosh
- Advisor Email: pmcintosh@truman.edu
- Organization Description: "Mission Statement: Phi Alpha Delta is the world's preeminent law fraternity because of our dedication to service: service to the student, the school, the profession, and the community. It is through devotion to the ideals of compassion, courage, diversity, innovation, integrity, professionalism, and service that we better both our profession and our community. Through accepting our differences, we become not just a law fraternity, but a family."
Phi Alpha Theta
- Student Contact: John Peretz
- Student Email: xx68558@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Kathryn Brammall
- Advisor Email: brammall@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Phi Alpha Theta is a history honor society. Membership is by invitation only.
Phi Epsilon Kappa (PEK)
- Student Contact: Cooper Doolin
- Student Email: Csd5256@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Brian Snyder
- Advisor Email: bsnyder@truman.edu
- Website: http://pek.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Phi Epsilon Kappa is a co-ed professional fraternity for students pursuing careers in health & exercise science. We accept students from health-oriented careers including Exercise/Health Science and Nursing, and we sponsor events such as youth triathlons, local 5k races, and Moving Towards Health Week.
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
- Advisor Contact: Shirley McKamie
- Advisor Email: smckamie@truman.edu
- Website: http://pkp.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Recognizes and Encourages Superior Scholarship in all Academic Disciplines.
Phi Mu Alpha
- Student Contact: Frank Ponder
- Student Email: ft46112@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Curran Prendergast
- Advisor Email: cprend@truman.edu
- Website: http://www.upsilonphi.org
- Organization Description: Phi Mu Alpha, PMA, or simply Sinfonia) (ΦΜΑ) are an American collegiate social fraternity for men and non-binary people interested in music. The fraternity is open to men who, through a love for music, can assist in fulfilling [its] Object and ideals either by adopting music as a profession or by working to advance the cause of music in America. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out, and we look forward to hearing from you!
Philosophy & Religion Club
- Student Contact: Guthrie Stroh
- Student Email: gls5115@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: William Ashcraft
- Advisor Email: washcraf@truman.edu
Pi Delta Phi
- Student Contact: Justin Caringal
- Student Email: jac5566@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Stacy Davis
- Advisor Email: sdavis@truman.edu
- Website: www.pideltaphi.org
- Organization Description: A French National Honor Society that recognizes outstanding French scholarship and encourages cultural activities.
Pi Kappa Phi
- Student Contact: Will Murdock
- Student Email: wcm4551@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Taylor Thompson
- Advisor Email: tthompson@truman.edu
- Website: http://pikappweb.truman.edu
- Organization Description: A National Social fraternity that focuses on the traits of Common Loyalty, Personal Responsibility, Achievement, Accountability, Campus Involvement, Responsible Citizenship, and Lifelong Commitment.
Pi Sigma Alpha
- Organization Description: Political Science Honor Society
- Student Contact: Jasawn Berning
- Student Email: bc77641@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Maria Cortez
- Advisor Email: mbscortez@truman.edu
- Website: http://plants.truman.edu
- Organization Description: PLANTS! is a social and volunteer based organization focused on everything plants! We have bi-monthly meetings to discuss upcoming events, which include plant sales, terrarium building, volunteering, and so much more. We encourage any and all majors!
Pre-Dental Club
- Student Contact: Evelyn Durkee
- Student Email: iz47855@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Roberta Donahue
- Advisor Email: rdonahue@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Our organization shares beneficial information regarding being a Pre-Dental student such as course recommendations or extracurricular activities. We also offer opportunities in necessary areas such as networking and community service in order to distinguish members as competitive candidates in the dental school application process.
Pre-Optometry Club
- Student Contact: Greta Hanson
- Student Email: hv62567@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Roberta Donahue
- Advisor Email: rdonahue@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Pre-Optometry club is a professional organization dedicated to preparation of future optometrists through meetings about the profession, eye-related diseases, and schools of optometry.
Pre-Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy Club (Pre-PT/OT)
- Student Contact: Alayna Dostal
- Student Email: lz12417@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Denice Blaine
- Advisor Email: deniceb@truman.edu
- Organization Description: The Pre PT/OT Club is a place where you can learn the ins and outs of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. We also bring in graduate schools, go over GRE prep, and much more.
Pre-Student Osteopathic Medicine Association (Pre-SOMA)
- Student Contact: Brooklyn Smyser
- Student Email: bjs6673@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: John O'Brien
- Advisor Email: jobrien@truman.edu
- Website: http://pre-soma.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Pre-Student Osteopathic Medical Association recognizes students pursuing osteopathic medicine as a profession. This organization gives students a deep understanding of what osteopathic medicine is all about as well as opportunities for service, leadership, shadowing, and growing your resume as well as opportunities to learn about the MCAT, personal statements and the general medical school application process.
Pre-Veterinary Club
- Student Contact: Addie VandeWalle
- Student Email: aav5174@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Joanna Hubbard
- Advisor Email: jhubbard@truman.edu
- Website: http://trumanprevetclub.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Pre-professional organization designed for students pursuing a career in veterinary medicine.
Printmaking Club: The Bad Acids
- Student Contact: Savannah Hargett
- Student Email: sch3641@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Laura Naioti
- Advisor Email: lbigger@truman.edu
- Website: http://printmaking.truman.edu
- Organization Description: In Printmaking we design, draw, and carve linocuts to make our own art prints. We use screenprinting to print T-shirts for other clubs around campus, and participate in activities like book-binding, paper-making, cyanotypes, and much more!
- Student Contact: AJ Wildhaber
- Student Email: oj14534@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Anna Pikiben
- Advisor Email: apikiben@truman.edu
- Organization Description: A social organization for queer people and allies. We play games and discuss relevant current events.
Psi Chi
- Student Contact: Nyssia Crandall
- Student Email: njc6126@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Katie Judd; Katrina Schmerold
- Advisor Email: kjudd@truman.edu; kschmerold@truman.edu
- Website: http://psichi.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in psychology. Psi Chi works to promote excellence in the field by providing students with the skills to further their experience and knowledge within psychology.
Psychology Club
- Student Contact: Caladan Parker
- Student Email: ex81175@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Sal Costa
- Advisor Email: scosta@truman.edu
- Website: http://www.facebook.com/tsupsychclub1
- Organization Description: Psychology Club aims to promote students' interest in psychology related fields and topics, while providing a community for all students interested in psychology regardless of intended major.
Purple Pride
- Student Contact: Tahli Gray
- Student Email: ttg2247@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Gregg Nesbitt
- Advisor Email: nesbitt@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Purple Pride Ambassadors are active, positive members of the Truman Football Family. Members exhibit enthusiasm and appreciation for the players through the fall and spring seasons, arrange team send-offs, attend all home and select away games, conduct fall and spring campus tours for prospective players and assist coaching staff with office duties, fundraising events, and community service activities.
Quizbowl Club
- Student Contact: Donal Ryan
- Student Email: dpr7246@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Scott Thatcher
- Advisor Email: thatcher@truman.edu
- Organization Description: We will practice using quizbowl questions during the week. We will also go to tournaments hosted by other universities. These tournaments may be close to Truman (like at Mizzou) but they also may further away (like near Chicago) and hopefully we will be able to attend nationals if we do well enough.
Residence Hall Association/NRHH (RHA)
- Student Contact: Alex Peterson
- Student Email: cj41826@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Katelin Mathis
- Advisor Email: kmathis@truman.edu
- Website: http://rha.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Our mission is to unify the Residence Halls by serving as a voice of the students to improve on-campus life, empowering residence hall leaders, hosting programs for residents, and recognizing the outstanding contributions of community members.
Role Playing Games Club (RPG Club)
- Student Contact: Teagan Meek
- Student Email: dv13114@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Scott Thatcher
- Advisor Email: thatcher@Truman.edu
- Website: http://steamcommunity.com/group/tsurpgc
- Organization Description: The club strives to educate members on role playing games and get them involved with games run by other club members. We help to organize safe and productive environments for role playing games, fostering a community of story-telling and interaction.
Rotaract Club
- Student Contact: Kari Siegel
- Student Email: kas8712@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Jacqueline Collett
- Advisor Email: jcollett@truman.edu
- Website: http://rotaract.truman.edu
- Organization Description: The Rotaract Club of Truman State University collaborates with local Rotary Clubs to provide an opportunity for young men and women to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development, to address the physical and social needs of their communities, and to promote better relations between all people worldwide through a framework of friendship and service.
Ryle Hall Council
- Student Contact: Emery McEvoy
- Student Email: mv77774@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Jean de Dieu ADJRA (JD)
- Advisor Email: jadjra@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Ryle Hall Council serves as the student governing body in Ryle Hall. Ryle Hall Council provides Ryle residents with a community voice. Ryle Hall Council plans events, comments on policies, and gains leadership opportunities.
SERVE Center
- Advisor Contact: Johnny McElhany
- Advisor Email: jmcelhany@truman.edu
- Website: http://serve.truman.edu
- Organization Description: The Truman SERVE Center is a student-led service team dedicated to helping Truman students find service opportunities in the Truman and Kirksville community. The SERVE Center is also responsible for hosting service events throughout the year such as Bulldogs in Action, the BIG Week of Giving, Service Weekend, and the BIG Event.
Sexual Health Advocacy Group (SHAG)
- Student Contact: Stefani Maricic
- Student Email: sm31448@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Nancy Daley-Moore
- Advisor Email: ndmoore@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Sexual Health Advocacy Group seeks to provide sex positive, gender neutral, medically accurate, and comprehensive sexual education to Truman's campus. SHAG Safely Friends!
Showgirls Dance Team
- Student Contact: Sylvia Harding
- Student Email: qh37616@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Michelle Howell
- Advisor Email: mhowell@truman.edu
- Website: https://linktr.ee/tsushowgirls?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAabCnBlsMk3K-zqBl1PuBHv5rpGI4_qllFXuu_LZC8FMSYFaE2ZPHASfYng_aem_piRnMCSoS8sSbr7FBNrzlQ
- Organization Description: We are Truman State University's Dance Team. We dance at all of the home football and basketball games, as well as other events on and off-campus.
Sigma Alpha
- Student Contact: Rylee Mastin
- Student Email: rmm7346@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Emily Costello
- Advisor Email: ecostello@truman.edu
- Website: sigmaalpha.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Sigma Alpha is a professional agricultural sorority dedicated to achievement in scholarship, leadership, and service.
Sigma Alpha Iota
- Student Contact: Michelle Yoder
- Student Email: mny5543@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Diane Moore
- Advisor Email: dmoore@truman.edu
- Website: https://epsilonpisai.wixsite.com/tsusigmaalphaiota
- Organization Description: Professional Music Fraternity
Sigma Delta Pi
- Student Contact: Audrey Jane Huffman
- Student Email: le15643@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Stacy Davis
- Advisor Email: sdavis@truman.edu
- Website: http://sigmadeltapi.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Sigma Delta Pi is a Spanish Honors Society for passionate students of the Spanish language and the cultures that utilize it. Chapter meetings and events promote the learning of all things Spanish, and we do fundraisers, cultural presentations, and other events every semester for students in the organization and for the other Spanish students of the Truman community.
Sigma Kappa
- Student Contact: Abby Perzan
- Student Email: yd74445@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Alexandra Savala
- Advisor Email: asavala@truman.edu
- Website: sigmakappa.org
- Organization Description: Sigma Kappa fosters lifelong connection in sisterhood while being true to our founding as an intellectual and social womenâ?Ts sorority. Through mutual support and respect, we inspire all members to lead a life of purpose. The values of Sigma Kappa are personal growth, friendship, service, and loyalty; bound by a promise.
Sigma Phi Epsilon
- Student Contact: Jack Bryan
- Student Email: jrb7551@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Sal Costa
- Advisor Email: scosta@truman.edu
- Website: https://sigep.org/
- Organization Description: Sigma Phi Epsilon is a social fraternity that places values on Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Love. Sigma Phi Epsilon strives to build balance men who participate in philanthropy, academics, networking, and strong brotherhood.
Sigma Sigma Sigma
- Student Contact: Meredith Hoerner
- Student Email: lx76554@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Andrea Richards; Sal Costa
- Advisor Email: arich@truman.edu; scosta@truman.edu
- Website: http://truman.trisigma.org
- Organization Description: Sigma Sigma Sigma Mu Chapter is a social sorority that strives to establish among its members a perpetual bond of friendship, to develop in them strong womanly character, and to impress upon them high standards of conduct. We embody our values of faith, hope, love, wisdom, and power in everything we do with the Truman and Kirksville communities.
Sigma Tau Gamma
- Student Contact: Kaleb Caughey
- Student Email: aa88511@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Laura Bates
- Advisor Email: lbates@truman.edu
- Organization Description: The Beta Chapter of Sigma Tau Gamma (Sig Tau) is the oldest and most historic fraternity at Truman State. We strive to live by our 6 principles: Learning, Integrity, Excellence, Leadership, Citizenship, and Brotherhood, in which we recently won the 2023 Earl A. Webb Award for Most Improved Chapter out of all of the Sig Tau chapters. Our fraternity is much more than you can read about, where the best way to get to know our brotherhood is to experience it firsthand.
Sigma Theta Tau International
- Organization Description: Nursing Honors Fraternity
Society of Actuaries at Truman State Univ (SATSU)
- Student Contact: Evan AuBuchon
- Student Email: epa5368@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Steven Smith
- Advisor Email: sjsmith@truman.edu
- Website: http://satsu.truman.edu
- Organization Description: SATSU is an actuarial organization that aims to produce the finest mathematical and business professionals. SATSU helps students interested in actuarial science learn more about the field requirements and exams, connect with prominent actuarial firms, and meet students interested in the profession.
Society of Physics Students
- Student Contact: Nathan Shaw
- Student Email: ncs6387@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Dr. Taner Edis
- Advisor Email: edis@truman.edu
- Website: http://sps.truman.edu
- Organization Description: SPS is a community of students interested in physics, with a focus on professional development, outreach, and community building.
South Asian Student Union
- Student Contact: Maira Nasir
- Student Email: mn1217@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Kafi Rahman
- Advisor Email: kafi@truman.edu
- Organization Description: South Asian Student Union aims to promote and foster South Asian culture and academic and cultural enrichment among association members. The primary goal is to provide a platform for South Asian students to come together, share their passion for the culture, and further their academic and career goals through mentorship.
Stargazers Astronomy Club
- Student Contact: Justin Caringal
- Student Email: jac5566@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Vayujeet Gokhale
- Advisor Email: gokhale@truman.edu
- Website: observatory.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Stargazers Astronomy club is a fun, laid-back club for amateur and veteran astronomers alike! We host meetings weekly but host activities like our open houses! this is when we to the Truman Observatory to hang out under the stars and experiment with telescopes. Join Stargazers, it's a stellar time!
Student Activities Board (SAB)
- Student Contact: Abby Raeker
- Student Email: ft75252@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Rebecca Conover
- Advisor Email: rconover@truman.edu
- Website: http://sab.truman.edu
- Organization Description: The Student Activities Board is a university-funded organization that plans events on campus for all students of Truman. Past events include canvas painting, movie showings, animals on the quad, massages, Noah Cyrus concert, holiday lights, and much more!
Student Alumni Ambassadors
- Advisor Contact: Stacy Tucker-Potter
- Advisor Email: stuckerpotter@truman.edu
- Organization Description: We are a professional service-based University Advancement organization seeking to promote interaction between current and past students through scheduled alumni events and education on the role of alumni in supporting the university and advancing student career opportunities.
Student Ambassadors
- Organization Description: We provide campus tours for prospective Truman students.
Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC)
- Student Contact: Kaitlyn Patke
- Student Email: xb58136@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Geoff Bruder
- Advisor Email: gbruder@truman.edu
- Website: http://www.trumanbulldogs.com/sports/2016/8/26/student-athlete-advisory-committee.aspx
- Organization Description: Have meetings every other week to discuss events going on in Truman Athletics as well as plan fundraising events.
Student Government / Student Senate
- Student Contact: Marcia Humphreys
- Student Email: mah7743@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Laura Bates
- Advisor Email: lbates@truman.edu
- Website: http://senate.truman.edu
- Organization Description: A student-run organization dedicated to the betterment of Truman State University through service to the student body by representing their interest in the university's ongoing development
Student Missouri State Teachers Association (SMSTA)
- Student Contact: Mariah Murphy
- Student Email: rd15348@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Martha Strange
- Advisor Email: mstrange@truman.edu
- Website: http://smsta.truman.edu
- Organization Description: SMSTA is a pre-professional organization open to any education majors. SMSTA provides opportunities to learn about education through guest speakers, presentations, volunteer opportunities, and more!
Students for Life
- Student Contact: Whitney Pavely
- Student Email: sq17244@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Charles Hunsaker
- Advisor Email: hunsaker@truman.edu
- Website: https://sites.google.com/site/tsusfl/home
- Organization Description: We are the Pro-Life organization on campus, committed to protecting all life from conception to natural death. We advocate for the unborn on- and off- campus, and we also seek to be a resource for pregnant and parenting women at Truman and in Kirksville.
Sweet Nothings
- Student Contact: Sierra Adams
- Student Email: saa7852@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Jill Phillips
- Advisor Email: jillp@truman.edu
- Website: https://tsusweetnothings.wixsite.com/sweetnothings
- Organization Description: Co-ed a capella group
Swim Club
- Student Contact: Tomas Orjuela Munoz
- Student Email: gn56245@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Janes Merlin Dreamweaver
- Advisor Email: dreamweaver@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Swim Club offers a dynamic environment for Truman State University students passionate about lap swimming. We focus on fostering a friendly, competitive atmosphere while prioritizing safety through lifeguard-inspired training principles. Our club encourages active participation and skill development in a supportive community.
TAG Improv
- Student Contact: Claire Choinka
- Student Email: kb64651@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Randy Bame
- Advisor Email: rbame@truman.edu
- Website: http://tagimprov.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Tag Improv is a small team based organization that is dedicated to practicing and performing good improv. We are a smallish team to keep things reasonable and to give everyone a chance at performing.
Tau Lambda Sigma (TLS)
- Student Contact: Addison Noecker
- Student Email: agn3555@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Nancy Daley Morre
- Advisor Email: ndmoore@truman.edu
- Website: http://tls.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Tau Lambda Sigma is a social and service sorority comprised of anyone who uses any mix of she/her and they/them pronouns. We are dedicated to serving communities near and far. Founded in 1992, over 800 members have served the community with TLS over the last 30 years.
The Collective
- Student Contact: Ethan Nicoli
- Student Email: sr43441@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: John Elam
- Advisor Email: jelam@truman.edu
- Website: https://www.thecrossing.net/
- Organization Description: To provide a place for students to find community and grow their faith in God. We believe life is better together. We are a non-denominational christian group, so regardless of d enomination or level of faith all are welcome!
The Gaming League
- Student Contact: Ethan Becher
- Student Email: ejb1737@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Don Bindner
- Advisor Email: dbindner@truman.edu
- Website: https://trumangamingleague.github.io/
- Organization Description: The Gaming League tries to bring together and support the Truman gaming community by offering gaming ladders every seme ster for a multitude of genres. TGL strives to host a welcoming environment for all gamers to enjoy. For more information about The Gaming League, please join our discord https://discord.com/invite/FZ9pgYYQBZ!
The Index
- Student Contact: Sydney Ellison
- Student Email: spe8546@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Donald Krause
- Advisor Email: dkrause@truman.edu
- Website: http://tmn.truman.edu/theindex
- Organization Description: The Index is Truman State's news-gathering entity. We are a weekly, student-produced newspaper and post news content online 24/7.
The Philomathean Society
- Student Contact: Alex Peterson
- Student Email: cj41826@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Elizabeth Naranjo Hayes
- Advisor Email: enhayes@truman.edu
- Organization Description: To unify academics via the appreciation of global art, music, literature, and theatre.
The Society of Dance Arts (TSODA)
- Student Contact: Megan Koch
- Student Email: mlk3787@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Candy Young
- Advisor Email: cyoung@truman.edu
- Website: http://tsoda.truman.edu
- Organization Description: TSODA is a non-audition dance group on campus that provides dance classes and performances for its members.
The Wildlife Association
- Student Contact: Eva Locher
- Student Email: ir81668@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Joanna Hubbard
- Advisor Email: jhubbard@truman.edu
- Website: http://wildlife.truman.edu
- Organization Description: We seek to stimulate interest and increase knowledge in the field of wildlife among Truman students and create campus awareness of wildlife issues.
TMN: Truman Media Network
- Student Contact: Truman Media Network Board
- Student Email: tmnstudios@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Don Krause
- Advisor Email: dkrause@truman.edu
- Organization Description: The Truman Media Network is the umbrella organiz ation over all student media -- KTRM-FM, KTRM Studios, and the Index. Members of TMN are encouraged to develop a variety of talents across the spectrum of media, in news production for print and websites, audio, and video production.
Tru-Women in Computer Science (TWICS)
- Student Contact: Grace Lovell
- Student Email: bk47466@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Gayathri Sadanala
- Advisor Email: gsadanala@truman.edu
- Website: http://sand.truman.edu/twics/
- Organization Description: TWiCS is an academic and social group for all women who have an interest in computer science. We are involved in educat ing the community about Computer Science.
True Men
- Student Contact: Jack Blackburn
- Student Email: Jpb6747@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Akhilesh Ojha
- Advisor Email: aojha@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Student Contact: Jacob Minner Student Email: jgm5786@truman.edu Advisor Contact: Dr. Akhilesh Ojha Advisor Email: aojha@truman.edu Organization Description: Truman State's premier all-male a capella group
- Student Contact: Naomi Quedensley
- Student Email: nxq8676@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: James D'Agostino
- Advisor Email: dagostino@truman.edu
- Organization Description: We are Truman's poetry club! We meet once a week to write and share poetry in a relaxed environment, focused on individual writing growth.
- Student Contact: Sayri Colindres
- Student Email: ly24435@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Vanessa Alexander
- Advisor Email: valexander@truman.edu
- Organization Description: TruSisters is a club that empowers black and women of color on campus. It is meant to create a safe space to speak out and interact with other women of color on campus
- Student Contact: Megan McGhee
- Student Email: mcm8238@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Ben Batzer
- Advisor Email: bbatzer@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Truman's Creative Writing Club is an organization and workshop for writers, readers, and editors.
TSUnami Women's Ultimate Frisbee
- Student Contact: Caroline Fry
- Student Email: si58222@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Scott Thatcher
- Advisor Email: thatcher@truman.edu
- Website: http://tsunamiultimate.weebly.com
- Organization Description: TSUnami Women's Ultimate is Truman's resident club Frisbee team! We're open to all female-identifying students and go to numerous tournaments throughout the semester. Come out and play, no experience necessary!
United Speakers - Hablantes
- Student Contact: Leif Kammer
- Student Email: xa45577@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Darrin Hetrick
- Advisor Email: dhetrick@truman.edu
- Website: http://unitedspeakers.truman.edu
- Organization Description: United Speakers is a student-based volunteer organization that teaches English as a Second Language to the Hispanic and French-speaking communities of Kirksville. We offer free English lessons, interpreting services, and school-based tutoring.
University Percussion Society
- Student Contact: Brianne Carr
- Student Email: bqc7664@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Michael Bump
- Advisor Email: mbump@truman.edu
- Website: https://tsupercussion.wixsite.com/tsuperc
- Organization Description: University Percussion Society is a university organization devoted to the performance and promotion of the percussive arts. Through the implementation of fundraisers and performances, we raise money to promote local music in Kirksville, as well as abroad through commissions.
- Student Contact: Abigail Knabe
- Student Email: ask8844@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Jay Self
- Advisor Email: selfjw@truman.edu
- Website: http://www.facebook/UpChucklesTSU
- Organization Description: Stand up comedy club on campus
Water Polo
- Student Contact: Isaac Compton
- Student Email: vt71418@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Jeff Arabas
- Advisor Email: jarabas@truman.edu
- Website: https://sites.google.com/truman.edu/trumanbulldogs-waterpolo
- Organization Description: Water Polo Club is an organization that provides a space for water polo players both new and experienced to enjoy the sport and compete.
West Campus Suites Hall Council
- Student Contact: Areeb Lodhi
- Student Email: rj31746@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: David Boughton
- Advisor Email: dboughton@truman.edu
- Organization Description: An organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of the West Campus residents.
West Coast Swing Dance
- Student Contact: Eliana Steinman
- Student Email: ess4218@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Donald Bindner
- Advisor Email: Dbindner@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Our organization holds weekly partner dancing lessons where members can choose to lead, follow, or do both as they dance to modern "pop" music; no partner needed, and no former dance experience is necessary! Although this is a lead and follow partner dance with the follower traveling up and down a linear slot, both dancers will learn how to find their own unique style within the basic framework of the dance through musicality. As a whole, West Coast Swing holds an emphasis on partner connection (tension and compression) and non-verbal communication, so partners will be able to seemingly effortlessly glide across the dance floor in this smooth style of dance.
Windfall Magazine
- Student Contact: Zoe Aldrich
- Student Email: zja3715@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Jamie D'Agostino
- Advisor Email: dagostino@truman.edu
- Website: windfall.truman.edu
- Organization Description: Windfall is Truman State University's undergraduate journal of art, prose, poetry, drama, and photography. All of our work is student-composed, and the journal is entirely student-produced.
Women in STEM
- Student Contact: Audrey Kneip
- Student Email: ark7833@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Anne Moody
- Advisor Email: amoody@truman.edu
- Organization Description: An organization of women chemists supporting each other and developing professionally.
Women's Club Lacrosse Team
- Student Contact: Bri Czuppon
- Student Email: km77376@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Brenda Austin
- Advisor Email: baustin@truman.edu
- Organization Description: Truman State Women's Lacrosse Club is a lacrosse team open to players of all skill levels and experience. In spring, this team competes in the Central Plains Women's Lacrosse League and holds open gyms all year round. Find us on Instagram @trumanlax.
Women's Club Soccer
- Student Contact: Shelby Holst
- Student Email: slh2623@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Jocelyn Prendergast
- Advisor Email: jprend@truman.edu
- Organization Description: A competitive traveling soccer team that provides a less intense and less time-consuming alternative to varsity sports. Come meet friends through traveling, games, practices, and bonding events!
Women's Club Volleyball
- Student Contact: Shelby Skinner
- Student Email: sts1616@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Amanda Porter
- Advisor Email: akporter@truman.edu
- Organization Description: We are a group that plays volleyball together and competes against other schools around the area.
Women's Resource Center (WRC)
- Student Contact: Johanna Schramm
- Student Email: jus1821@truman.edu
- Advisor Contact: Vanessa Alexander
- Advisor Email: valexander@truman.edu
- Website: http://wrc.truman.edu
- Organization Description: The WRC started in 1990 by two female Truman students and is a unique student-founded organization with a mission to promote awareness and understanding of women and gender issues affecting the lives of Truman students. We are a politically neutral organization that provides students with resources, information, and programming about gender issues facing society today. We are open every weekday from 9am to 4pm in the SUB basement room 1109C.